ᐈ How to Comment Nothing on Instagram

Have you ever wanted to comment nothing on Instagram? Maybe you want to show your support for a post without saying anything, or maybe you want to troll your friends with a blank comment. Whatever your reason, commenting nothing on Instagram is possible, and it’s easier than you might think.

What is a Blank Comment?

A blank comment is a comment that has no visible text or emoji. It looks like an empty space, but it’s actually a special character that Instagram recognizes as a valid comment. There are different ways to get this special character, but one of the easiest is to use a tool like blankspacecopyandpaste.com.

How to Comment Nothing on Instagram

How to Use Our Online Tools and Comment Nothing on Insta

blankspacecopyandpaste.com is a online tool that lets you copy and paste a blank space character. Here’s how to use it:

  • Go to our website homepage.
  • Input your expected amount of blank space and then Select Blank Type, you need to select “Zero Width Space” then click on the Generate button. At last click on the Copy button.
  • Go to Instagram and find the post that you want to comment on.
  • Tap on the comment icon and paste the blank space character in the comment box. You can paste it multiple times if you want to make your comment longer.
  • Tap on the post button and voila! You have commented nothing on Instagram.

Why Comment Nothing on Instagram?

Commenting nothing on Instagram can have different effects depending on the context and the intention of the commenter. Here are some possible reasons why you might want to comment nothing on Instagram:

  • To show your support for a post without saying anything. Sometimes, words are not enough to express how you feel about a post. Commenting nothing can be a way of showing that you are speechless, amazed, or impressed by the post.
  • To troll your friends or other users. Commenting nothing can also be a way of teasing, pranking, or annoying your friends or other users. For example, you can comment nothing on your friend’s selfie to make them wonder why you didn’t say anything, or you can comment nothing on a celebrity’s post to get their attention or confuse their fans.
  • To make a statement or a protest. Commenting nothing can also be a way of making a statement or a protest against something that you disagree with or find offensive. For example, you can comment nothing on a post that promotes hate, violence, or discrimination to show your disapproval or indifference.
Comment blank space on Instagram

Commenting nothing on Instagram is a simple but effective way of communicating without words. Whether you want to show your support, troll your friends, or make a statement, commenting nothing on Instagram can help you achieve your goal. All you need is a blank space character and a tool like blankspacecopyandpaste.com. Try it out and see what happens!